Nature Is Unlimited Broadcasting Station: Flowers She Wore on Her Feet
by Bertha and Edward Mkwelele
GENRE: Biography
‘Flowers she wore on her feet’.
This is the story of an extraordinary girl and young woman with a brilliant mind, a heart of gold, and who is gone too soon. Neema was a priceless gift to us. Neema was an extraordinary young woman, with joy and wisdom, and remarkably profound and greater understanding about herself and others. She taught us everything worth knowing about life and love, everything about what it means to be a best friend. Neema, outlook for future is something about this book. Neema would have wanted the world to hear the voice of children and young people, girls and young people in particularly young women around the world, their walking sound when they walk wearing their beautiful flowers on their feet. Meaning that those girls and young women around the world have worked hard the same way Neema did, searching for their favorite flowers and they were able to see them and finally finding their ways to broadcast them, and therefore, finding their unique values. This is what Neema would have wanted the world to hear from children and young people saying that we go out and we’re asking for help and support, they will wear flower on their feet because they worked hard to get see them and therefore they can now see themselves, and therefore , the walk by itself is a voice and a cry for help and they are saying help us because we would like to contribute to the world and we’re read and we know what we love and what we want to do and what we’re loving doing and we just want opportunities to let us equip with knowledge and skills then we will all be ready and set to contribute to the world we live in our own unique way happily.
By the time Neema completed her secondary school in Kenya, we were in London, England. Neema came to London to live with us and stayed with us and waited for her secondary school final examination results to come out. She was happy to take a break for a couple of months. More important to her was that she would be away from academic books and therefore she could continue reading her novels.
She enjoyed London, and sometimes joked about being on an adventure and exploring the famous city, one of the most popular and beautiful cities on Earth. The time came, and Neema got her form-four final results, and she was happy that she did well, and her pass mark meant that she qualified for university entry. Again, we were there for her, congratulated her, told her that we continued to be proud of her and what she had done so far. We also thanked her for setting an example for Michael to follow in the future. Neema was so happy again, and she started searching right away, looking for university programs suitable for her. She told us that she was looking for programs to continue her interest and her love for nature and her love for reading. We remember her saying that she was looking to apply for something similar to what she loved and enjoyed doing. We did not want to guess the answer to our question, and we decided to ask her what she was going to do. Neema laughed first and then said, “The same. I am going to continue to build what I started to love, enjoy doing and always be happy to do it.”
Neema told us that she would like to search, apply and study something related to nature and reading. We definitely knew that Neema would go and continue to grow and keep on building her love for nature and her love for reading. We were not surprised about this answer because we had been watching Neema show us her love for nature and her love for reading. We remembered her obsessive reading of novels and the way she would tell people in her life cycle that reading was something important for her, because reading was giving her pleasure and a sense of peace. Although, at that particular time, we were not sure if Neema would go and pick one of the two or she would just find something with the opportunity to combine the two together, but we clearly saw her career and direction.
Neema searched and searched and went and applied for a TV broadcasting course. She told us she had chosen that course because it was fitting well with her passion. Her love for nature and her love for reading would fit perfectly and match with this course when she combined both of them together. She also told us that the course she was going to take would give her more opportunities and open more doors for her to learn more about the world around her, especially nature, and on top of that more travelling and meeting new people and new cultures.
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Bertha Mkwelele and Edward Mkwelele are co-founders of the Neema Edward Mkwelele Wellness Foundation, where they empower young girls in Tanzania through education. Visit to learn more.
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Looks like a good read.
I was in the mood for something different!
Sounds like a very good book.
It caught my attention as something different!
Interesting cover. It sets the tone for the book.
It does. I liked the blurb too.
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