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Excerpt from #NewRelease Every Wallflower has her Thorns by Bronwen Evans #revengeofthewallflowers

Every Wallflower Has Her Thorns
by Bronwen Evans

From USA Today Bestselling Author Bronwen Evans, comes a best friend’s brother, friends to lovers romance.

For Lady Alice Montague, love is a prickly business, especially when she’s in love with her brother’s best friend, Calum, and he doesn’t even know she exists. It’s the age-old problem of being a wallflower. No one ever notices a wallflower. That is, until she mistakenly creates the biggest scandal of the season, and ends up betrothed to the one man she thought she could never have.

For Calum Arden, the Marquess of Skye, and heir to the Galloway Dukedom, love is a word he refuses to use. He has a world to travel and conquer before he is yoked to his future title and duty. So, imagine his horror when he’s trapped in a marriage to his best friend’s little sister. With his plans in ruin, Calum must learn how to make this marriage of convenience work without his heart being torn apart by his wallflower’s thorns.

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“You don’t have to stay with me. I know you probably want to speak with Lady Patricia.”
Calum’s refined eyebrow lifted. “Indeed. Why do you think that?”
Horror gripped her. “Well, that is, isn’t she…” Alice couldn’t bring herself to say it. She’d known Calum since she was a very young girl, and he and George were the best of friends. They’d always had an informal relationship since Calum had virtually lived at their house when the boys were at Eton. His home was in the Scottish highlands and such a long way to travel from school. But she couldn’t be that familiar, could she?
“Why am I not surprised that you, of all the debutants, are aware of mistresses? You caught George and I in the barn with the milking maids, if I recall. That’s how I got this scar.” He pointed to the small scar on his chin. He’d tripped over the rake, trying to pull his clothes on and split his chin open. Her face heated at the memory of what she’d seen that afternoon, but his words held admiration rather than reproach. “Besides, you are incorrect.”
“Oh, I was so sure…”
He winked as he drew her towards the chairs by the French doors. “Not yet, anyway. She has declined my advances.”
“Is she mad?” Goodness, did she just say that out loud?
Calum laughed. As they sat, he whispered, “But you’re biased because you love me.” She went as still as stone. How could he know? How could she live with him knowing? Floor, please open and swallow me. “You’re like family. You’re like the sister I never had.”
She let out a thankful sigh. He thought she loved him like a brother, like she loved her brother, George.

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