Life After Death by Trina Machacek

Check out this new memoir by author Trina Machacek, Life After Death!

Life After a Death
Publication Date: May 3, 2022
Genre: Memoir/ Grief/ Humor
The Widow Road Is… Excruciatingly painful, a daily adventure into the unknown.
As exciting as going to the dentist and finding you’ve a second set of wisdom teeth.
As the days come and go and go and come things get… What do they get? Easier? Calmer? No. They get weird.
Becoming a one instead of half a twosome is not what you bargained for? You find yourself really alone, a lot?
You need a cheerleader. You need to hear you are going to live again. You need hope.
With all the courage of a kitten coming out of the box for the first time, and seeing the world in a new light, Trina found widowhood wasn’t all that bad. Oh there will be bad. Its life there will always be bad and mad and sad.
That’s exactly when Trina will buck you up with, “you got this.”
Available on Amazon and at Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Born in 1955, married in 1976, widowed in 2018. Trina is finding this last path as another challenge to tackle with all the gusto it took her to start her self-syndicated national newspaper column “Is This You?” when she started it in 2012. Or writing her books, “They Call Me Weener” and “Life After A Death.” Hop aboard her widow train and become, as she says, “The best dang widow on your block.” ‘Course she laughs and points out she is the only person on her one mile square block in Diamond Valley, Nevada. Connect with her on Facebook:
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