ORIGEN: A TRUE STORY OF EVIL by Peter Perry and Kathleen Sumpton – guest post and excerpt plus a giveaway

On Writing…
The indelible truth is that anyone can become a writer (success comes with practice).
The idea is no more unreasonable than becoming successful at any other occupation on the planet.
In fact, becoming a writer has less requirements and constraints, comparatively speaking.
It is unlike any other occupation. With writing, the prospector (the writer) doesn’t have to travel anywhere except the corners of their own imagination. There’s no tangible items required. No plane schedules or hotels. No logistics or permits. Gold can be created out of thin air and the value of it is only limited by the execution of the writer’s imagination.
Writing is the perfect part time job. You can set your own hours. You are your own boss. No danger. No commuting. No interacting with anyone unless you desire to.
But becoming an expert in any occupation takes practice.
Writing is an art. Others will consider it a hobby until they see you getting paid.
Don’t be disillusioned. Once you begin to write and can make audiences feel,it becomes quite easy to transition to other disciplines like screenplays, poetry, lyrics, blogs, tutorials, magazines etc.
Best of all, tutorials are everywhere. Pick up a book, any book, and start reading.
Find styles that you like. Off memory only, close the book, and try to emulate. It’s an exercise. The idea is to train your mind to work in a certain style. Practice enough and you’ll start to pick up what you like about the style. Now pick up another book. Rinse. Repeat.
If you spend as much time reading as writing, you begin to pick up the craft as easily as
someone learning a new language. Yes, it takes time. But the process is rewarding.
Everyone needs to invoke their creativity. Whether it’s interior decorating, drawing,
or even gardening, creativity searches for an outlet, oozing out of all us. So try writing, and see if it’s right for you.

Origen: A True Story of Evil
by Peter Perry and Kathleen Sumpton
GENRE: True-Crime
Have you ever come face to face with the devil? In a tapestry of sports, business, and dating, there is an evil presence that is not quite visible to anyone: The Bedroom Strangler. A serial killer that scales fifteen storey buildings, enters through the balcony, and stealthily slithers under the bedroom bed, with the sole intent of raping and murdering innocent women in their sleep. He has been classified as the worst serial killer in Ontario history and Canada’s most dangerous criminal ever, operating at the height of London’s 40 year serial killer period, from 1974 – 1978.
The Bedroom Strangler is a member of a gym. It is the same gym the protagonist managed during the 1970’s. Members of the gym trained and worked out together, never knowing their friend’s true nature. In fact, Mike even introduced the killer to a female member friend at a gym party, a woman who lived in the same building as the murderer; a woman who would become his last victim. As a result of unprecedented tactics by police, Mike ends up becoming part of the investigation—but will he be able to stop this evil predator? It took 40 years to write this story and it’s important to remember that this story is being told by someone who was there.
Origen: A True Story of Evil truly began when Mike’s real-life persona, Peter J. Perry, was just 17 years old. At the time, he was just a student of St. Mary’s College in Sault St. Marie who would carry out heated discussions with a priest, Father Lawlor, about the existence of the devil. Father Lawlor tells him that one day he might meet someone so evil, he will surely know the devil exists, and maybe he will do some good by it. And we will. Part of the proceeds of this novel are being contributed to good causes to respect both the victims and Father Lawlor.
The novel’s title reflects a belief about the dynamic forms of energy as Origen believed that demons can take human form and humans can also be demonized. What follows is inspired by true events. All the names of characters have been changed and many of the events happened, although not all.
This painting of the gym scene, the dating scene, the underground fighting martial arts scene, the psychiatric scene, and Origen’s beliefs may cause you to rethink the devil. If you dare to read the contents of this book, you can come to your own conclusion: Is there more to evil than what we think?
Based on an original screenplay by Peter Perry and Geoff Hart.
Property of the Origen Foundation Inc.
“Perfect.” Detective Williams stands on the scene looking down on the latest murder victim; a young blonde whose eye colour is now unknown. He glances around the room and at the other two lieutenants. Jenkins holds his stare. The gruff lieutenant next to Jenkins looks away. “Not a speck of dust. Not a single misplaced hair,” Williams says, walking about the room. He puts on a glove and reaches out to touch the girl’s hand. Her skin is cold.
“Did the medical examiner give a time of death?” Jenkins asks the other lieutenant.
The gruff lieutenant checks his notes. “He estimates between twenty-four to thirty hours ago.”
Williams looks up in surprise. “So, she died yesterday, early morning, before sunrise?” He questions the lieutenant.
Jenkins nods, a look of disdain on her face. “You’ve been right all along. Consistent pattern. Too consistent to be coincidence. It’s definitely him. Apartment looks cleaner than is realistically plausible. It’s as though no one even lived here… It’s him. He was here,” Jenkins tells him. She taps her pen on her notebook periodically as she speaks. A nervous tick. Williams notices she wants this killer caught just as much as he does.
Williams nods in agreement. Being vindicated is a hollow victory. All along, he has been hoping for some monumental turn of events to prove him wrong. In his heart, he knows he will never be that lucky. But here they are, gathered around another crime scene, the truth slowly revealing itself.
“Should we talk it through just to be thorough?” Jenkins asks. “The deaths are becoming more frequent. We have to get this right,” she says adamantly. Williams agrees wholeheartedly.
Williams himself isn’t opposed to it. What if it is something completely new? Something unprecedented like bad sleeping pills or a breakout of something viral. There is always that chance. But if that were the case, why only females? He doubted a virus would be selective. Williams gestures for Jenkins to start.
“If the room hadn’t been cleaned thoroughly, wouldn’t there be little blonde hairs everywhere from her brushing her hair before she went to bed?” Jenkins wonders aloud to the room.
“If not here in the bed, there would be at least some in the bathroom,” Williams adds.
Jenkins continues. “Wouldn’t there be a sock, or perhaps a bra or something, lost behind the bed? Something out of place somewhere in the bedroom of a student who doesn’t have time to look after such things because she’s either too busy studying or partying.”
The gruff lieutenant feels compelled to interject. “If she had sex recently, how do we prove it was from her killer, and not just someone she was partying with?” Williams could tell the lieutenant came to work for an easy paycheck and would prefer not to do all the hard work that was part of the job.
It was a good question, but Williams has the answer.
“We can check for evidence of necrophilia,” Jenkins states solemnly before Williams can answer.
“He might not have had sex with her while she was alive. In fact, he likely did it after she was dead.”
The gruff lieutenant tries not to seem shocked by the answer, but Williams can tell he is.
“The troubling question is: how is he getting access?” Williams points out. “Death doesn’t typically swoop down in the black of night and take perfectly healthy twenty-something females. These are girls who eat right, exercise, hold down jobs, go to school. There are more patterns emerging as his MO and signature grow. What I am worried about is the next step.”
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
PETER J. PERRY’S athletic accomplishments include being an eight-time Canadian open powerlifting champion from 1976-1984. He won the North American powerlifting championship in 1979, and dedicated his trophy to the woman he promised he would dedicate it to in this novel, Jessica. Peter was also the U.S. deadlift champion in 1980, International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) World Open fifth place in 1982, World Masters level-one drug-free powerlifting champion in 1991, and three-time Canadian Masters Powerlifting champion in the years 1991, 1992 and 1993. Best gym lifts certified by the IPF judge are: squat at 750 lbs, bench press at 450 lbs and deadlift at 775 lbs at a body weight of 208 lbs. Knee wraps and squat suit plus a lifting belt were the only pieces of equipment used.
Peter founded Peter Perry Insurance Agency LTD in 1978 and is still the operating president. The company is a London-based insurance and investment brokerage specializing in RRSPs, tax-free savings accounts, segregated funds, tax shelters, RRIFs & LIFs, creditor proofing, annuities, educational savings plans, GICs, and Mortgage insurances. Being a certified and award-winning independent brokerage allows Peter to custom-tailor financial portfolios to suit the specific needs of the client and easily make amendments as one journeys through the various stages of their life. Peter’s acclaimed background in health and fitness as a drug-free world & Canadian powerlifting champion makes him particularly mindful of retirement, health and long-term planning and incorporating all aspects of life into the advice he provides his clients. Click here to learn more about Peter’s athletic accomplishments.
Some interesting facts about Peter are that he was born in Toronto but grew up in Sault Ste. Marie. He became a St. Mary’s Knight due to his academics and sports and is a graduate of St. Mary’s College in Sault Ste. Marie. He was the manager of Vic Tanny’s gym from 1974 to 1978 before launching his insurance company and beginning a new career path.
KATHLEEN ELIZABETH SUMPTON is an advocate for the arts and often works with languages. With a passion for culture and a focus on communications, she is an Author. Poet, and Communications Professional with a primary focus on writing. She has a working background in fourteen different languages.
Her five-year plan is to secure two master’s degrees in English and business, followed by a PhD in English, while running her freelance business.
Her 10-year goal is to publish novels and other works in the genre of satire in order to strengthen communications locally and globally by discussing the proper use of language and terminology.
Her work brings awareness to large societal issues such as the criminal justice system, substance abuse, and mental health, a variety of topics everyone else is too afraid to talk about.
As a representative for members of the community as well as for her own projects, Kathleen hopes to enrich her surroundings with both the beauty and power writing holds. It is now her personal mission in life to provide meaning and entice insight through literature. When she is not busy with her work, you can find Kathleen enjoying the outdoors or spending time with family. Favourite hobbies are working out and people-watching. She operates out of Southern Ontario.
WEBSITE https://origenthebook.com/
GOODREADS (Peter Perry) https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/21598260.Peter_J_Perry
GOODREADS – ORIGEN https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58330394-origen?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=QOe5E1mnkt&rank=1
AMAZON.COM https://amazon.com/dp/0228826306
AMAZON.CA https://amazon.ca/dp/0228826306
KINDLE https://amazon.com/dp/B096X8HJP5
BARNES & NOBLE https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/origen-peter-j-perry/1139665556
BOOK DEPOSITORY https://www.bookdepository.com/Origen-Peter-J-Perry-Kathleen-Elizabeth-Sumpton/9780228826309
SMASHWORDS https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1088574
APPLE BOOKS https://books.apple.com/us/book/origen-a-true-story-of-evil/id1571778612
Peter Perry and Kathleen Sumpton will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks for hosting!
My pleasure!
sounds amazing.
Sounds scary as heck!
Sounds like a very good read!
I’m in the mood for chilling and scary!
I look forward to reading this.
Perfect for October!
I liked the excerpt.
Me too! Gave me the chills!
Would love to get this!
It’s perfect for October!
Sounds like good read.
Chilling and true!
Interesting cover! It sets the tone for the book.
I like that it’s a true story. I think!
Sounds intense!
Perfect for October!