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Pirate’s Promise by Bobbi Smith excerpt and giveaway


Bobbi Smith

GENRE:  Historical Romance


Tall and strikingly handsome, Adam Trent could tempt any woman, especially in his secret disguise as the swashbuckling Captain Spectre. But when this daring buccaneer wagers a seductive campaign against a beauty whose passion matches his own, he’s not prepared for what awaits him…


Throwing a young woman out of her home is hardly decent behavior—even for a pirate. But when Adam Trent wins the Ducharme plantation in a card game, he knows it’s the perfect base for a covert scheme of revenge in which he sails the bayous as Captain Spectre. Adam agrees to let Lianne Ducharme stay until she comes of age—a decision he soon regrets. For Lianne fascinates him, and Adam cannot afford the distraction…


Too bad that the most virile man Lianne Ducharme has ever met is also the most infuriating. With no choice but to stay at Belle Arbor as his ‘guest’, Lianne gradually yields to her own desires. But there is far more to Adam than Lianne knows. And succumbing to a pirate’s promise of bliss could be the surest path to heartbreak…


Adam stood at the helm of the Sea Shadow issuing orders hard and fast to his crew. He knew his ship as well as he knew himself, and he intended to get every ounce of speed out of her he could. This was the moment he’d been waiting for—his final confrontation with the pirate Shark. There was no way he was going to act cautiously and give him the opportunity to slip away. Shark was his!

Adam’s expression was fierce and deadly as he kept an eye on the other boat. Every move Shark made, he countered with a better one. He was going to catch him, and he was going to see that Shark paid the price for all his murderous ways. Adam smiled grimly as the distance between them narrowed.

“We’re almost on him! It’s only a matter of time now…”

The Banshee and the Sea Shadow fired their weapons simultaneously, with the Banshee getting the worst of the exchange. Adam cheered along with his crew as their second barrage strafed the Banshee’s rigging and sent much of it crashing to the deck, taking most of Shark’s weapons out of commission at the same time. The Sea Shadow suffered damage to only one mast, leaving her completely maneuverable and ready to close in.

Adam’s dark gaze was riveted on the other vessel, watching…waiting. It appeared that chaos reigned there, but he didn’t allow himself the luxury of believing it. No matter what condition their ship was in, Shark’s men were killers. No one knew that better than Adam did.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

After working as a department manager for Famous-Barr, and briefly as a clerk at a bookstore, Bobbi Smith gave up on career security and began writing. She sold her first book to Zebra in

  1. Since then, Bobbi has written over 40 books and several short stories. To date, there are more than five million of her novels in print. She has been awarded the prestigious Romantic

Times Storyteller of the Year Award and two Career Achievement Awards. Her books have appeared on numerous bestseller lists. When she's not working on her novels, she is frequently a guest speaker for writer's groups. Bobbi is mother of two sons and resides in St. Charles, Missouri with her husband and three dogs.



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