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Scorn of Secrets by B. Truly – excerpt and giveaway

Scorn of Secrets
B. Truly
Publication date: April 27th 2021
Genres: Coming of Age, Romance, Young Adult

I must keep it locked away—the memory of my darkest secret….

When the rising tides of my life peak, I’m left struggling with the currents of the storm. The first dilemma is my dad’s gambling debt. Mama bounces back quickly from the ramifications it causes. She proves this by getting a new man. Her Rico Suave is just the tip of the iceberg—she moves us across state to live with him and his two sons.

My outgoing, older sister fits right in—she’s the total opposite of me. I am Madison Guillory, the shy, quiet type. Taught to make the best of even the worst situations, I contemplate giving my new family a chance.

Living with my future stepbrothers is interesting, to say the least. They’re like night and day. I have more in common with the laid-back brother, and we become instant friends. I’m adjusting to Taylor High, and the arrogant brother is even starting to grow on me. Maybe everything will work out after all.

My life finally seems to be falling into place until a dreadful night shatters my dreams. My world is flipped upside down because of the consequences I must now bear.

The memories of that night lurk in the shadows to torment me. If I think of what happened, I’ll succumb to my fear. His face has scorned me. No one will believe me if I confess, not even my own sister. I hold the key to my darkest secret, desperate to keep it locked away.

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Chapter 5 (Excerpt #3)

The second weekend of July after Mama gets home, I get the surprise of the century. Mama wants to speak with us. Another sit-down only means more bad news.

“Our house is being foreclosed on,” Mama starts.

My forehead wrinkles. I’ve heard the word before. “What does that mean?”

“In three months or less, we won’t have a place to stay.”

I cover my mouth with my hand. What else will go wrong?

“What about the money you’ve taken from ours checks?” Tanya wants to know.

“I don’t think you understand the debt your father put us in. The mortgage was already three months behind when he died.”

“What about filing bankruptcy?” I have no idea how that works. I’ve just heard of people doing it in desperate times of need.

Mama rakes a hand through her long hair. “Filing for bankruptcy is too much of a hassle and it’s not guaranteed to fix the problem.”

Tanya bites her cuticles. “Where will we live?”

“Regan is going to fix everything. I’m so thankful for him.”

“Is he going to pay off our debut?” I guess.

“Even better,” Mama clasps her hands together in delight. “He’s offered for us to move in with him. Isn’t that wonderful?”

My brain registers what she is saying, becoming confused. “Doesn’t he live in Texas?”

“Yes, but he has a huge house in Houston—plenty of room.”

“Can’t we move in with Gigi? Surely that’s better than moving us to another state?” I can’t help saying.

Mama narrows her eyes. “Moving with Regan is the best solution.”

“But next year is my senior year,” Tanya chimes in. “Surely, you won’t make me go to a new school after attending Winsten for three years. I want to graduate with my friends.”

“It won’t be as bad as you think, honey. With your personality, you’ll make new friends in no time.”

Tanya’s lips tremble. I’m still attempting to process what she’s explaining. She’s only known this man for how long, two months? “You want to move in with your boyfriend this soon? How do you know he’s not a mass murderer?”

Mama shoots daggers at me. “Regan is a good man. He has answered our prayers. We should be grateful he’s willing to take us in.”

I want to burst into tears. My home is here in Baton Rouge. “There’s no way for us to stay in Louisiana? I can speak to my boss about getting more hours.”

“The decision is final. We’ll be moving in two weeks.”

The room begins to spin. My father dying must be too much for her. She’s not thinking clearly, making rash decisions.

“Mama, it isn’t fair that I have to go to another school my senior year,” Tanya pouts.

“Tanya, life isn’t fair. We just have to play the card we’re dealt,” Mama says, point blank. “There are advantages to moving to Houston. You’ll be in the lap of luxury without a care in the world. Regan’s house is a dream, and Houston is a bustling city. Plenty going on to make new acquaintances.”

Tanya blows out her breath, shifting her weight.

“Have you been to his house?” I wonder.

“I visited last weekend to meet his sons. I’m certain once you get to know them, they’ll be like the brothers you never had.”

Oh, I doubt that.

“Do you love this man?” Tanya wonders.

Mama swallows hard. “I care deeply for him. Offering his home to us tells me just how much Regan cares about me also.”

“What if we move there and you guys break up? Won’t we be worse off than we started?” I ask.

Mama evades the question. “This is the best choice. They haven’t found out who shot your father. With our house getting robbed, no one can reassure me that we’re safe here. Moving to Houston will keep us out of harm’s way.”

Mama has a point. I just don’t agree that moving to another state with a man she hardly knows is the answer. She’s not leaving room for discussion. It looks like we’re moving to Houston whether we want to or not.

Author Bio:

B. Truly has wanted to be an author since she was fifteen years old. She is grateful to have accomplished this dream. B. Truly has very vivid dreams and a wild imagination. She likes to read, watch tons of TV shows, and movies. She’s addicted to romance and gets a thrill out of suspense and sci-fi. She writes young adult, new adult, and adult romance, sci-fi, dystopian, and paranormal genres.

B. Truly likes to explore conflicted plots of romance with thrilling twists. She also loves creating impossible situations for her characters to grow from and try to overcome.

B. Truly has three wonderful children, and a husband who defines the person that she is today. She works full-time as an Ultrasound technologist in Houston, Texas.

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