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Wallflower Gone Wild by Cecilia Rene release day #revengeofthewallflowers

Wallflower Gone Wild
by Cecilia Rene
Revenge of the Wallflowers book #12

Lady Leticia Crane, Letty, wants nothing more than to start her own women’s magazine, a dream within reach. All she has to do is survive one final London Season untouched by scandal, and her inheritance—and fate—will rest in her own hands. Wanting to stay free of the confines of marriage, Letty tries to ignore the connection she formed with abolitionist printer, Mac Meriweather six months early, but passion will not be ignored. Finding herself torn between love and her dreams, Letty must decide if she is willing to put her faith in Mac’s hands or live a life without the man she loves.

Mac Meriweather once believed there was nothing else more important in the world to him than his print shop, he was wrong. After making a deal with the devil, Mac realizes there is something more important—love. Unable to forget the beautiful woman who enraptured him six months earlier, Mac tries to ignore the deal he made before he met the intelligent Letty. But once in motion, he is unable to stop her from being ruined.

When Mac’s secret is revealed, and Letty ruined beyond repair, will she forgive him or will anger and pain lead her down a darker path. Will Mac and Letty find their way back to each other or forever be torn apart by other’s greed?

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