You Should Have Seen This Coming by Shani Michelle – excerpt and giveaway

You Should Have Seen This Coming
Shani Michelle
Published by: Swoon Reads
Publication date: April 12th 2022
Genres: Thriller, Young Adult
A teen girl who sees visions of the past must use her gift to save a kidnapped classmate in Shani Michelle’s high-stakes YA thriller You Should Have Seen This Coming!
Hayden sees the past. Just touching an object will occasionally give her flashes of the previous owner’s memories. And if that memory happens to be a deeply hidden secret, then she has no problem making you pay for your crime, in cash.
Cassie sees the future, and it sucks. She will randomly wake up from dreams filled with disasters that she feels compelled to stop, and she would really like to stop watching her boyfriend fall in love with someone else!
But when Cassie tries to warn Hayden that her latest blackmailing scheme is a trap, she knows she’s really in trouble. All her visions warn her of the upcoming kidnapping, nothing she does stops it. And it’s all Hayden’s fault!
Can Hayden’s gift help her find Cassie before it’s too late?
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I never realized how dark it was over here. The streetlights cast a glow, but they don’t illuminate the area, not very well, anyway.
I make the last turn. The area looks empty, but what if I’m missing something? Missing someone? “Hello. Hello,” I call out.
This street is quiet. Too quiet.
“Hello,” I say again, positioning my phone so my finger hovers over the call button. 911 punched in just in case.
No response.
A shadow moves in front of me.
I suck in a breath and stop in my tracks. This is it.
I’m about to dial for help, when the shadow on the sidewalk moves again. I look up and can’t help but let out a laugh. It’s a tree. A branch swaying in the breeze, catching the light.
I’m being absurd. No one’s around. School let out hours ago. The street is quiet. The teachers’ lot is empty except for a few parked cars. Same for the small students’ lot right next to it, where my car is located. I sprint the rest of the way there anyway, my backpack smacking me with each step, and exhale as I put my hand on my door. I’m safe.
Still, I look underneath before getting in. Nothing.
Paranoia is my new best friend.
I take off my backpack and lock myself inside the refuge of my car, tossing my things on the passenger seat.
“Get a grip,” I mutter to myself.
I clutch the steering wheel. I need to relax. This is getting out of hand. I need to tame my imagination.
One, two, three, four, five.
Dr. Mukherjee insists that these breathing exercises will help me, but he’s never dealt with a case like mine. He doesn’t understand what I can do. What I can see . . .
The breath work isn’t calming me down, but it doesn’t matter.
I need to get home. I need to text Audra. I need to—
What the . . . ?
A shadow crosses my rearview mirror. It’s not a tree this time.
I didn’t park under one.
I freeze.
This isn’t happening. It’s just another vision.
Please let it be another vision.
There’s no one in your car. There’s no one in your car.
My hands are shaking. I reach toward the seat next to me for my phone. Where is it? Where did I put it? There’s a sound behind me. I turn to look. Everything goes dark. Something is over my eyes, my mouth. I try to scream. Nothing comes out.
I feel breathing through the fabric, a heat against my ear. And someone whispers, “You should have seen this coming . . .” before everything goes silent.

Author Bio:
Shani Michelle is the author of YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING. She also works in TV news. When she’s not writing, she loves spending time with her husband, family, friends, reading, watching way too much TV, and coming up with new story ideas. (She’s also written several rom-com and middle grade novels as Shani Petroff)
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Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Always a pleasure!
Sounds really good
I enjoyed the excerpt.