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A guest post by Merida Johns and an introduction to Blackhorse Road w/ gift card giveaway

The Answer to a Predicable Question

One of the most predictable questions I receive when people discover that I have authored a work of women’s fiction is, “Who is the intended audience for Blackhorse Road?”

To my surprise, the answer to that question today is much different from the one I might have provided before the book’s launch.  

Blackhorse Road is a story of a woman protagonist’s journey toward a fulfilled self. Because of its genre, I thought that the story would appeal primarily to women age thirty and older who enjoy diving into narratives about how ordinary women tackle challenges, face deception and betrayal, and struggle with self-doubt but can go down and come out of the rabbit hole in an unexpected way.

But since launching the book, I have had two “ah-ha” moments that have changed my perspective. 

The first came during a virtual launch party for Blackhorse Road when an audience member asked the beta readers if the book would be appropriate for younger readers.  What prompted that question was the beta readers’ observation about how the lines of communication between Luci (the protagonist) and her father play a critical role in the formation of Luci’s values and belief system and her grit to achieve autonomy.  In response to the question, one of the beta readers said that she had given the book to her seventeen-year-old granddaughter so that the two of them could read it together, and another beta reader shared that she was reading the book with her fourteen-year-old daughter.  The consensus among the beta readers was that the book was appropriate for teens fifteen and older.

Diane Donavan, Senior Reviewer Midwest Book Review in her review had identified the positive lines of communication and interplay among the characters, so I should not have been surprised that the book might appeal to a younger audience.  Donovan says:

The first strength to note about Blackhorse Road is that Merida L. Johns takes the time to not just present family interactions and scenarios to form a foundation for Luci’s roots, but describes interplays between generations with exquisite detail, including insights about the origins of their prejudices, belief systems, and experiences: “Clearing the breakfast dishes from the table, Luci grimaced. When acting spirited, Sam could be frustrating. “Pop, please. No, Barry is not ugly. In fact, he’s very, very cute.” “Ah, I see I’ve hit a chord,” Sam teased. “Come here and tell your pop more about this boy that you’re going to see tonight.” That statement took Luci off guard….In her mother’s mind, as the family knew, the Irish were the salt of the earth. A question no one dared to ask, though, was whether Marie regretted not marrying one of her prosperous Irish cousins rather than Sam.”

So, okay, I thought, the audience for Blackhorse Road is women fifteen years and older.

But then came a second ah-ha moment from a text I received from a middle-aged man.  “Just finished Blackhorse Road.  WOW!  Very powerful.  Made me cry!  Great job.  Let me know when you have a book signing event in my area.”

Given my “ah-ha” moments,  my answer to the predictable question about the intended audience for Blackhorse Road is that it is a story for any reader, fifteen years or older.  It is for anyone who likes connecting to ordinary people who tackle challenges, live through sorrow and betrayal, struggle with self-doubt, and act on their aspirations to achieve flourishing lives.  In the final analysis, Blackhorse Road is for any reader who delights becoming one with the story. 

Blackhorse Road
by Merida Johns
GENRE: Women’s fiction romance


Under another hand, Blackhorse Road could all too easily have been a singular romance. Johns provides more as she follows Luci down the rabbit hole and out the other side of life experience, bringing readers into a world where . . . transgression changes everything and challenges carefully-constructed foundations of belief and values. As Luci lets go of her lifesavers and navigates obstacles to happiness, her story becomes a vivid portrait of hope and self-examination which ultimately moves into unexpected territory. Novel readers seeking a tale that closely considers deception and forgiveness, love gained and lost, and family ties will welcome the multifaceted Blackhorse Road’s ability to come full circle in a satisfyingly unexpected way. – D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review

It’s the turbulent mid-1960s, and Luci, an eighteen-year-old Southern California girl, is on the quest for self-determination and new beginnings. Three powerful forces influence her values: the grit of her Irish great-grandmother, Lucinda McCormick; the philosophy of choice of her father, Sam; and the 1960s ideals of equity and altruism. But potent foes thwart Luci at every turn. Her budding romance with a handsome United States Air Force Academy cadet sets the stage for conflict and deception that last for two decades. When Luci discovers how her autonomy and her love affair were hijacked, she struggles with anger and bitterness. But from a surprising source, she finds a forgiveness path that restores her well-being and hope and, in the end, faith in herself.


Uncertain what to make of Luci’s stillness, Barry brought his head close to hers and asked, “What are you thinking?”

Luci held back, still gazing ahead. She turned and drilled into Barry’s blue eyes. “I guess, using an Irish term, I could say, ‘What a bunch of malarkey!’” She drew back her lips in a saucy grin and weighed his reaction.

Luci’s response was unarming but charming. Barry laughed. “No one has ever told me in such a nice way that I’m full of bullshit.”

“Well, I guess there’s that!” Luci chuckled, then turned thoughtful. “Putting the ‘BS’ aside, I’d say the story is about choices, not a lovestruck fairy tale. It’s about risks and consequences and being true to your values. It’s about living who you are and not how someone else expects you to live.”

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Merida Johns takes her experience as an educator, consultant, and businesswoman and writes about the human experience. In 2018 Merida took an unlikely off-ramp from writing textbooks and motivational books to authoring women’s fiction. Her stories are learning lessons where awareness and curiosity transport readers to the most unexpected places within themselves.  Merida hails from Windsor, Ontario, Canada, grew up in Southern California and has lived from coast-to-coast in the United States.  Besides writing, she enjoys fabric arts, including weaving and knitting. She makes her home in the serene Midwest countryside that gives her the inspiration and space for storytelling.



Merida Johns will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This Post Has 24 Comments

    1. Thank you, Audrey for your comment. A male reader, Bruce, emailed me last week this comment about the book–it aligns with what you say. “Blackhorse Road should be required reading by every teenage boy and girl and the parents of every teenage boy and girl. Blackhorse Road not only entertains, it teaches. It shows how beautiful and how special young love can be, what true friendship is and the importance of having supportive friends, that setbacks in life can be overcome . . .” As I say in another post here, readers are the ones who provide the most unexpected and valuable insights.

  1. Thank you for hosting me and highlighting my novel, Blackhorse Road. Your interview gave me the opportunity to share my “ah ha” moments about the breadth of readership for Blackhorse Road. Often times the author is surprised by the antics and actions of her characters as she writes the story, but it is readers who provide the most valuable and unexpected insights.

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